We live in such a fast paced world filled with constant distractions and entertainment. We get caught in the web of thoughts in our minds, it is said 80,000+ thoughts a day and most of them are repetitive. Our thoughts have immense power and their effects ripple out into the world of form. Imagine if you could harness your thoughts, like reining in wild horses, and direct it to bring out the positive and the best in you. One form of doing this is through guided meditations. A guided meditation or visualisation speaks for itself in that a narrator leads the mind to focus on specific images and outcomes. It is a great place for people to start when they begin their journey into meditation practice as you learn to hold focus and concentration and start to learn to manage those wild horses.
Visualisation is defined as ‘the formation of a mental image of something.’ This skill of cultivating mental imagery can be used with many positive effects. Latest research shows that the brain cannot recognise the difference between what is imagined and what is real! So why not use this power to imagine serene and healing scenes? Sometimes we are unaware of how poorly we are utilising this skill when we worry. Worry is such a misuse of this amazing tool.
One of my teachers, Cathy Dean, would always say that imagination is the forerunner to creation. When going on a guided meditation it invites the imagination to create positive, uplifting and healing scenes. Napoleon Hill in his popular book, Think and Grow Rich, famously stated “Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.”
Many successful business people and athletes use the technique of visualisation to assist them in achieving their goals. An athlete spends time in quietude going through the motions in their mind, imagining every step or process and the success of their goal in the end. It has been shown to increase confidence, enhance performance and achieve goals.
Lynne McTaggart explores the power of intention and its potential to affect the world around us in, The Intention Experiment. In this book she sites numerous scientific studies of how intention focused energy and improved the outcome. Thousands of studies have been done showing how intention helped plants to grow, altered cells and physical reality, even altering machinery. And the power of the intention is shown to multiply with numbers. She has shown how intention is an energy surge of well ordered light captured by special CCD cameras. Its quantum physics theory of entanglement which proposes that particles can affect another even though they are separated by any distance.
Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto conducted hundreds of experiments using vibration and intention on water which you can read and see in his book, Messages from Water. He was able to microscopically photograph the changes made to the water droplets and demonstrate harmony and wholeness as a force of longevity and disharmony and disconnection a force of disease, and also demonstrate distance did not affect the intention held.
There is great power in guiding the mind to visualise and focus energy towards healing, harmony and wholeness. But it’s more than just thinking or imagining, it has to also involve the emotional body. Our emotions are a great energetic force that can be tapped into. Feeling what you’re visualising, feeling it like it already is done, is a further key to empowering your journey of intention. The power of our belief is tremendous as scientist Dr. Bruce Lipton points out in his revolutionary book, The Biology of Belief. Dr. Lipton demonstrated how we are far more than our genetics and that our environment determines which genetic codes manifest. We are just like a giant petri dish, we are filled with trillions of cells and those cells will manifest determined by their environment. We see through these experiments that positive and uplifting thoughts literally create the best environments for us to succeed and live happy and healthy lives.
In my guided Chakra Meditations I am talking throughout and focusing the mind on positive, uplifting and healing images, reinforced with sound. The sound added to the guided meditation deepens the experience and enhances the vibrational healing allowing shifts to occur naturally.
The long tones of crystal bowls helps regulate the autonomic nervous system and as we relax, the mind quietens allowing us to take hold of the reins and guide those wild horses uniting them with a common purpose, your intention, and riding them to health, healing and harmony. A leader in the sound healing field, Jonathan Goldman, expressed it as Frequency + Intention = Healing. The combination of these coming together is powerful. Sound is after all the primordial vibration underlying all of creation.
The point is whether it’s a guided sound meditation or not, bring the power of intention to your sound sessions for optimal results. And in group meditations it’s favourable to speak the intention out loud, that many may focus on the same intention and enhance its power even more. This is the potential of both the individual and the community consciousness to create a better reality.
Sound Angel